Going LED – The Many Benefits of the New Style of Christmas Lights

a house decorated with beautiful lights, creating a warm and inviting ambiance

The tradition of decorating the home with Christmas lights dates all the way back to the 17th century. Of course, back then, the lights used were candles.

While certainly energy-efficient, it was also potentially dangerous. Who wants to deal with the very possible risk of a house fire, just to illuminate the exterior for the season?

So, holiday lighting changed and evolved over the years, as is happening again. More and more homeowners are making the wise decision to transition to LED lighting, and it is time for you to consider doing the same.

What You Need to Know

Christmas lights are often left burning all night, and part of the day, and for at least the full month of December, if not longer. Looking for a more energy-efficient and cost-effective option only makes sense. If you still have not yet converted to LED lighting, here is some of what you should know:

One of the main reasons homeowners make the switch to LED lighting is that it is more cost-effective. Traditional holiday lights can run up your utility bills so you are still trying to pay them off once summer rolls around. LED lighting is much more budget-friendly.

LED lighting is also safer. Although strings of lights are much safer than old fashioned candles, they still are not as safe as modern LED lights. What homeowner doesn’t want to reduce the risk factor as much as possible?

This type of lighting also lasts longer, and is more durable. No more replacing bulbs or making repairs, every time a strong winter wind blows through. LED lighting is able to better withstand the elements, and other types of wear, as well as last up to 10 times as long. In fact, LED lighting typically lasts at least twice as long as traditional lighting.

You get more options than you can even imagine. LED lighting is as versatile as any lighting comes. Shapes, sizes, colors – your holiday display will look more amazing than ever before.

Getting the Service You Need

Inviting Lights is the only name that you need to know, when it comes to holiday lighting. We are the trusted team of professionals who can design and install the best holiday lighting around.

Stop relying on old-fashioned, outdated lighting that you have to string yourself. Let a holiday lighting company like us take care of the task for you, using modern LED lighting, and see what a difference it makes on the appearance of your display.

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